horrayy ...
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Encouraged by my sister Steph, inspired by my friend Destri. Here's a blog about my first pregnancy. We're expecting our first CH-baby in May 2010 ^.^ We are very excited!!
After being defeated at a battle, Bruce escaped and found a hideout in a cave. Hiding in a cave for three months, Bruce was at the lowest point of his life. He thought about leaving the country and never coming back.
While waiting, he watched a spider building a web in the cave's entrance. The spider fell down time after time, but finally he succeeded with his web. So Bruce decided also to retry his fight and told his men: "If at first you don't succeed, try try and try again".
He came back and won the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, even though his men were outnumbered ten to one.
While these cramps can occur during the day, you'll probably notice them most at night. Leg cramps may start to plague you during your second trimester and may get worse as your pregnancy progresses and your belly gets bigger.