Bruce is coming in 10 weeks ... !! or less... O.O
According to babycenter weekly update, Bruce is about 15.7 inches long and weighs almost 3lbs. I'm pretty sure he's more than that. I already gained 28 lbs. Masak dia cuma 3 ??
His eyesight continues to develop, he will respond to changes in light. I was told that at this stage we can try flashing the flashlight to my belly and see if he responds. hehe ... I haven't tried. He moves a lot so I don't need a flashlight to make him move.
As for me :
- feeling tired these days - Yes.
- having trouble sleeping - Yes. Sometimes.
- clumsier than normal - Yoii bangett.
- have bigger feet so need to buy bigger shoes - he? I'm already size nine! so far masi pake sandal lama masih ok seh ... so I hope not!!
- have mood swings - mmmm not really sih. Although a couple days ago, I was chatting with Steph and she told me a funny story. I laughed so hard, I cried! It was the weirdest thing. I was laughing out loud but a lot of tears streaming down my face. I had to grab lots of tissues. Hard to explain. I was laughing and crying at the same time. Hendra was so confused. hahaha ...
Thats all for week 30.
I will see the doctor this Monday.
Now I have to see her every two weeks.
Will update again then =D
Have a good weekend, everyone !!
ReplyDeletehope notttt ... kl gk gua bisa pake kaos kaki aja kali kmana2 ...
ReplyDeletegedein sampe 11, bisa pinjem punya Hendra haha
ReplyDeleteHwahahaha guileee size 11 for men!!!!
ReplyDeleteCath, 10 more weeks. Wohooo. Bruce udah moving around terus ya. I felt my baby's first kicking last night. Abis dipasangin CD Baby Mozzart, dia lgsg kicking hahahah.
ReplyDeletehahahha, pinjem punya Hendra?
Woowwww udah kick Mar?? Gmana2 aneh gak? Hihihi. Kereeennn pake baby Mozart!! Bruce pake Chris Tomlin sama Jay Chou! Hahaha...
ReplyDeleteLucu aja sih Cath, ada yang gerak2 gitu. Awalnya juga bukan pake baby Mozzart. Krn ada my niece malah lebih sering dengerin lagu Thomas the Tank Engine, Barney, Pokoyo, Bob the Builder, ya pokoknya semua PB & Kids dan Disney Channel didengerin hahaha.
ReplyDeletePake Jay Chou, dia lgsg ngedance gak? hahahha