Monday, February 15, 2010


I forgot to mention in the last blog, I passed the Glucose Test!! woohooo ... I was worried because I eat sweets a lotttt. Lately I've been eating lots of donuts (doughnuts?). I put some on my nightstand because when I wake up I really want to eat donut! hahaha ... seriously, so weird.
I was supposed to take the test sometimes after the last dr. visit (Jan19). She told me I have to fast in the morning before taking the test. I took the test on Feb 8! Haha ... habis tia
p pagi makan donat terus!! Gmana mau puasa... ??
Finally on Feb 8 I was out of donuts. Bwahahaha ...

so i went to the lab.
They gave me this small bottle of orange liquid.
It was cold, like soft drink. But when I drank it, blehhh its too sweet. Made me dizzy.... then I had to wait an hour there before they draw my blood. I fell asleep a couple of times because of that drink. Dizzzzzyyyy....
2 days later I got t
he result that I passed. Horeeey.... more donuts!!!

Anyway, I had my 6 month check up today!
(cepet yo udah 6 mth??)
Everything is good, my glucose 'score' was 125 (passing is under 140)
I weigh 138lbs now!! But Dr said it's normal, not big (really??)
Bruce's heartbeat is 140. Normal.
She asked me if I already had some contraction.
Me : "huh? I don't think so. Now? Already?"
She laughed and said it's normal to have contraction once a day in the third trimester, it'll feel like a really bad period cramps.
Ow dear....


  1. my mom also has sweet craving! haha, but she ate cake.

  2. owww pantes lu suka makan manis2 yahh ... wadoh si Bruce bisa doyan donat. Haha ... asal gk bulet kaya donat ajah. ..

  3. Gpp Cath, di sana khan gampang cari donat. Jadi ntar Bruce bisa dibawa from one donuts place to another. Tp emang enak koq ya makan yang manis2, tul gak Cath. I'm doing the same thing. I can eat the whole pack of toblerone chocolate by myself, heheheh. Then continue with the "jadul" superman wafer.

  4. cath even if your blog updates everyday with just "adoeh adoeh sakeettt!!" or "lapaaarr" I'd still read it! hahahaha

    Martha are you blogging too? =D

  5. Martha..."I'm doing the same thing"? Are you pregnant too?

  6. Nico, read my blog yg More Tiger Babies! hihihi

    Pei, Thanks!!!
    bentar lagi bakalan ada seh blog yg kaya gitu. hahahaha

    Martha, MINTA SUPERMAN WAFER!!!!! huwaaaaaa

  7. Pei, boleh donk. But I'm not good like Cath creating pregnancy blog hehehe.

    See Nic, next time when you read the blog you need to pay attention to the details. hahahaha. Just Kidding. Yes, I'm pregnant. Just 2 months different from Cath.

    Cath, barteran ya sama Sun Chips Multigrain, Doritos, hehheheh

  8. yakk ampon masih pingin Sun Chips, Mar?? yg rasa apa? French? Salsa? Cheddar? Bweheheheh itu ksukaannya si Hendra tuh. Aku malah gk makan. Aku makanya manieezzzz ....!!!

  9. Iya, di sini khan chips2 gak ada yang enak. Sun Chips, I like the blue one - it's multigrain hehehe. Lays di sini juga gak enak. I asked someone to buy it in Singapore instead hahahaha.
    Kalo aku sih, ada timing kepingin salty (usually afternoon), ada timing kepingin sweet things (usually morning and snack before dinner time).
