Monday, February 22, 2010

Baby Registry

I know I've been procrastinating about baby registry and nursery and all that. I just don't know where to start! Thanks to Sienny and Destri, I finally started the baby registry in Babies R Us. Boy, what an overwhelming experience. Usually when I need something then I go to the store and buy it. If its an expensive thing, research on it online then buy. (Or when I see something on sale. hahaha) But what do I know about what Bruce will need??

I went to Babies R Us in Dublin, CA. Whewwww ... what a big storeee and they have lots and lots of stuff... I didn't know babies need that much stuff ... hahaha... It took me more than half an hour to scan the first item. I was so confused. Its like shopping for someone else, but I have no clue about the items. Weird.

Anyway we got a stroller and carseat last week. Yippie!! It's a pretty good one too ... ! Here's some pictures of Hendra setting up the stroller. We love it!! This is officially Bruce's first items. Haha...


  1. Registry #: 45059997
    Maiden/Alternate Name:
    Location: CONCORD, CA
    Expected Arrival Date: 05/05/2010


  2. Cath, isn't it amazing that a little baby need so much stuff. It's like a never ending list. Must be fun walking around at Babies R Us. In Indo, the Babies R Us we have is @ Mangga Dua 3rd floor. hahaha.

  3. MARTHAAAAAAAA...lo hamielll!! selamaaattt, wah gw banyak temen macan nih, hehehe....

    loh, mana registrynya? ga ada link nya...

  4. Nic: Click on the baby picture :D

    Mar: Kan mangga 2 lebih murah2 dan banyakkk... hahaha... me and my mom will be shoppin there too :D

    Baby Bruce will be well equipped! :D

  5. Stroller looks comfy... bole dicoba dulu? :P
    Gantung-2 mainan donk biar rameee
    Maybe that's what mangga 2 is for? haha

  6. good job Sen ... hwhehweh ...
    registry masi dikit banget gk tau mo taro apa so I didnt put the link. Altho Steph found it on the picture. hehehe ...

    saya mauuuu jalan2 ke 3rd floor mangga duaaaaaa

    stroller does look and feel comfy mon...
    i almost wanna try it myself. hahaha ...

  7. So, combination between Babies R Us & Mangga 2. Cool, Baby Bruce will have so many stuff by the time he's born.

    Steph: emang di mangga 2 banyak banget and bisa tawar menawar hehe. Tp jalan2 di Babies R Us yang gede itu khan sgt seru juga hahaha. Emang Bumil itu banyak maunya, yg satu mau ke mangga 2, yang satu mau ke Babies R Us

    Nic: Thank you. Yup, we'll have so many tigers this year
