Thursday, February 11, 2010

28 weeks!

Wow suddenly no blog for almost two weeks.
I guess I enjoyed 2nd trimester too much and today I'm officially in 3rd Trimester!!
Jeng Jengggg....

Last night I woke up at 3am and couldn't sleep until 6am!!!
I have no idea why.
Definitely not coffee/caffeine/sugar.
I wasn't hungry nor thirsty.
My back didn't hurt.
I just couldn't find a comfy position to sleep ... so weirdd!!
I usually doze off so easily, just give me a pillow and a blanket, I'm off to dream land.
Not last nite =(
I tried watching TV, reading emails (even sorted Hendra's email), play wit my hp, etc2.
Maseh gk bisa tidur!!!

so around 5am I got up, went downstair, ate breakfast burrito,
& drank a glass of milk.

then zzzzzzzzzzzzz..........pagi2 saket perut @#$%^&!!

Is this a sign of 3rd trimester beginning??


  1. Nicely done, irritated... wahahaha

    Sabar Cath... hehehe... just 82 days to go :) Dah coba dengerin musik ke perut lom? :P

  2. I knew u were waitin for it. Haha.

    Nope, lom kasi musik k perut. Nanti malah tambah goyang2 lageh dia. Ini aja udah kick mulu.
    Ive been listening to Jay Chou malah ... hahaha

  3. Abis potong bebek angsa jadi Jay Chou?
    Langit bumi amat hahaha
    Ni hao Bruce!

  4. Ni Hao Auntie Monikkk ... Gong Xi Fa Chai, mana angpao Bruce?? hihihi
