I'm a bit worried about Epidural now. I was so sure I'd have it. My doctor said it's a very common procedure, they performed it thousands of times. My friends who just had babies recently also had Epidural and no problems. But one of the side effect is Migraine! My cousin Sienny experienced this. She got a really bad headache afterward. Wadohhh ... you know how easy it is for me to get headache??
Also it will be harder/longer for the baby to get out because there's no urge to push. I will be numbed from the waist down. (huh??)
So if the baby is big (which I'm sure Bruce will be), they might have to pull him out using some tools. (waaaatt??)
There are still some side effects she mentioned in the DVD, why it is bad for you and your baby. She is very biased tho. I think she's presenting the worst case scenario for this pain medication. I am very concerned, but as I look back, I have a pretty normal & healthy pregnancy so far (Praise The Lord). I have no complication, Bruce is healthy, and I don't even have migraine as often as before pregnancy. So.....
Maybe I should get another DVD.
Haha. ...
ReplyDeleteI think the best way is to just ask more and more people who did / did not take epidural. so don't ask winsen.
i just noticed the baby in the buble has that belly rope, or whatever it is o_o
ReplyDeleteand cath, ask your mama, i think. she should know stuff.
Cath, there is no right or wrong answer about epi. Some people also told me to use it, because it will help you a lot during labor. But others said don't use it, just do it the normal way coz it will have side effect.
ReplyDeleteSo, my position is I will see the situation on the big day. If I can stand the pain, i'll do it the normal way. Otherwise, epi is the next choice. (we have to decide it on time of course before it's too late)
wowww thanks for the comments guyss... :)
ReplyDeleteI asked a couple of preggies already, most of them are fine, no problems with Epi. But everybody is different. I was planning to do that, Mar. Kalo bisa ditahan sieh ya gk usah. Biar gimana jg drugless is better. But takutnya ntar kesaketan and capek tahan saket malah gk ada energy left to push. Hahahaha ...
Kata Hendra epinya pas 9cm ajah. Grrrr...
I talked to my mum couple weeks ago. Yaaa kalo dia sehhh kagak pakeeee.... she's the strongest woman I know. Plus it wasnt available back then. heheheh ...
Yesterday I asked 3 people ...
1. no Epi
2. with Epi but wish didn't because now she has backpain often (side effect)
3. with Epi, no problem.
bwahwahwhahwah belly rope ... XD
ReplyDeletethats the Umbilical Cord, yg ntar bakal digunting sama Hendra. .. hohoho
wait2.....how long does the side effect last? your whole life time?
ReplyDeleteThats the thing... It affects everyone differently... Migrain sieh katanya lgs ada obatnya. Yg long term itu gk tau de....
ReplyDeletewell yeah asking our parents' generation might not be fair cause as far as i know everybody back then do it the normal way and yes epi might not be available at that time.
ReplyDeletecompare that to most doctors in indo right now who dont want to spend so much time waiting and would just recommend caesarian to everybody... time has changed indeed >_<
yoii Pei!
ReplyDeletethats why it's kinda biased to ask my doctor too becoz of course she's pro Epi. Its easier for her and I gotta pay more. bwehehheeh
kmaren I asked another one who just gave birth, she had Epi, and got a fever sampe 103!!! The nurse said some people got fever from Epi. bwahh ... and she had to push for almost two hours. astaga....
My mum only had to push 10min for all us three girls ... X(
Yep, it's different for everyone. And it's true all our mother did it the normal way, and that's why they all said no epi needed.
ReplyDeleteAnd Pei is right, so many obgyn in Indo just do the short cut (which is caesar), especially the young and less experienced ones.
It took me sometime to choose my obgyn, coz i don't want to do caesar. So, I did so much research until I found the right doctor.
Cath, you almost reach the finish line. I belive Bruce can't wait to see the mother and father.