Yesterday, I completely forgot about my doctor's appointment. I remembered on Sunday night. But on Monday morning. Totally forgot. Appt at 11:30am, I went to the office around 2pm and suddenly remembered! Haiz.... pikun paraahhh....
Luckily the receptionist were really nice, I went there and she just rescheduled me for today. Phew....
When the doctor tried to find Bruce's heartbeat, he moves a lot! It was so visible, my tummy was moving-moving. Dr was like, "wow .. .there he is!" ..... hahaha sedikit malu. Heartbeatnya jadi tinggi deh!! Still normal, but Dr said "he's exercising in there." Hwehwhewhe ...
I weigh 142lbs now (64.5kg!)
Fundal height is 35cm (perfect)
Looking at my belly shape, Dr said Bruce is probably already head down.
But we will know more next week.
Yes, it's already time to check weekly with my OB.

Mel and baby are healthy, everything is good.
Welcome to the world, baby RIAN SAMUEL SUBAKTI
(or according to Bruce, koko Riaannn....)
Congrats Oke, Mel and Petra!!
Bruce lagi physical training biar bisa kalahin Hendra badminton laen kali :D
ReplyDeletewoadoh ... kata Hendra nanti Bruce umur 3 udah training badminton and snowboard. weleh...
ReplyDeleteumur 2 latian basket!
ReplyDeleteastaga .... Stefanus nanti mau ngajarin Math lagi katanya... >_<
ReplyDelete"Congrats Oke, Mel and Petra!!"
kok ada nama Petra di sebut ? she is also giving birth :P ?
hwehwehwhe ... Petra itu nama anak mereka seng pertamaa. .. bukan Petra my sis. wakakak