We had lots of fun games, and great food! Hendra and I received a lot of gifts, which sorry to say, until this minute they are still wrapped nicely in The Longbotham's residence. Hwahwhahwa ... its that much fun we had without opening presents!!
We started around 3pm with fellowship. We sang some praises, prayed and had sharing time. We got some questions from Om & the singles, and valuable advices from the mothers =). Then Om shared a great story about King Robert the Bruce! We never heard about it before. It's so cool! We're loving the name Bruce more and more ^_^
Then the games!! Oh, so much fun!! Thanks to Tante Hannah & Tante Mei Mei !! There were..... FIVE games! Ndak berasa .... its that much fun. First, there's a list of questions for Hendra regarding this baby pregnancy thing
Third game, Tante Hannah printed out a nice Noah's Ark picture and alphabet letters. Everybody must write as many animals as possible starting from A to Z. It's so haaaarddd... I did it in Indonesian, still so haaarddd... every animals I could think of starts with K!! Kucing, Kuda, Kelinci, Kerbau, Kadal, Kalajengking, Koala, Keong, Kera, Kepiting, Kijang, Kerang, Kumbang, Kutu, Kura-kura ......... haiz ... I even put Nil for N, where its supposed to be K juga!! KudaNil!! I failed. Monica won this game!! Yay good job!!
Next one, everybody was put in pair, and Tante Hannah gave out a really good quality paper for everybody to DRAW their partner when they were a baby! Hihihi there were sooo many funny drawings. Never thought our church members are great artists! haha ... the winner was Tante Titien. She made a funny picture of Om Ronnie. Congrats Tante!!
Fifth game, we are all divided by two groups. We played 'passing the pacifier'. We have to pass the pacifier using a pen in our mouth. It's not as easy as I thought. This was the funniest game, we couldn't stop laughing. If we drop the pacifier, we had to start over. We probably dropped it more than 5 times. Hahaha .... will show pics of this !! Eric and Didik took a lot of pics, can't wait to see them!!
Last one (lho ada Six games??) : guess my waist line. Everybody must cut a rope to guess how long my waist line is. Nico just measured his own waist line, and cut the rope, and WON! Hwahwhahwahwha ... congrats Nic!!
Then we had dinner. Food was plennntifulll and so gooooddd. ... thanks to Mami Elizabeth!! All delicious Indonesian food. Here's some food-pictures taken by my sis, Petra :

There were a lot more! Tons of Fruits, Nuts, Fruity Drinks, Cemilan, Bubur Kacang Ijo, etc etc.... Banyak dah!! My tummy was so tight but I kept eating!! hahaha ...
Around 5:30pm, some people left, more people come. Hihi... Friends of Mami Liz were starting to come around this time. Still plenty of food. The party kept going on!! We had dinner, conversations, and ... Karaoke! Singing nonstop from 6pm to midnight!! Wheheheh ... everybody had a great time.
Hendra and I are so happy and feel so loved. We had such a great time with everybody and are very touched by the kindness and attention given to us, especially for Bruce! He's not even born yet but so many people love him already. Hik hik ... *terharu.
And thank you so much for your generosity.
May God bless you all exceedingly !!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Awww too bad me can't be there :P Looks like lots of fun! :) Dun worry, will be there to see you Bruce! :D
ReplyDeleteSo what's the story on King Robert the Bruce? Share with us pleaseee :)
PS: Food pics taken by Petra... she IS my sis :P
What a fun baby shower. Cath, can i see the pictures?
ReplyDeleteyou guys have Didik's facebook? He just uploaded the pictures there tuh ... komplit banget fotonya go chek it out. Arwin Buditomo.
ReplyDeletestill waiting for pictures from Eric ^.^
ntar kapan2 gua tulis blog tentang King Bruce deh ... hwehwhehw ....
cant wait to see you and Xiao Hu cake!!
if u cant see the pics, dont worry, i will upload them to picasa when i get the cd/files from them ^^
ReplyDeleteCath...sorry couldn't make it to your baby shower. Looks like you had so much fun! Congrats again and can't wait for baby Bruce....:D
ReplyDeleteThanks, Fanny!! Iyah sayang bgt gk bisa dtg, it was so much fun and lots of food! hwehwhehw ... ntar baby Bruce mau ktemu koko Carsten yahhh!!!