It was pretty cool to see other pregnant ladies in the group. (about 10 couples...so 10 preggies including me). I wasn't the biggest and slowest person in the crowd anymore. hahaha ...
Tour was great. We got a lot of information. They told us where to park, where to go when we just got there, what to do, where to stay during labor, where's the waiting room, and the recovery room. The Labor Room is soooo niceeee .... here's the picture they have in the website :

When I saw this picture earlier this year, I thought "yea rite ... boonk banget. We gotta pay extra for that room... ". But it is that big! So nice!! I was so excited when we went there. The whole group can fit into that room and still roomy. Yay!
But!!!.... this is really just for labor. After Bruce is born, they will let us stay there for an hour or maybe two, then move us to the Mother/Baby room (recovery room?)... this room is tiiinnyyy!!! Bener2 kebanting dehhhh ... this room only fit one twin bed and a chair. Walahh... No wonder the picture is not on the website! haha..
But at least it's a private room ... and a private bathroom too. So that's okay. I'll be there only for a day (or two) anyway.
Sooo.. kalo gak mo rugi, lo labornya lamaan Cath... hahaha... yg model 20 hrs labor gitu biar di ruang yg bagusan lamaan... hihihihi....
ReplyDeleteHueeeghhh no thanks deh!! Gpp lah small room haha