Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Braxton Hicks

This morning after breakfast, my lower abdomen felt weird.
A little bit heavy.
Hours later, feels a bit painful.
Felt like I ate something wrong. (you know, when u had too much chili, or ate expired food)
I was so confused because I didn't feel like going to the bathroom.
It comes and goes irregularly. Destri told me to time it, but it's so irregular ... sometimes long, sometimes short .. weird.
And around 2pm, I was hungry.
He ... mana ada orang sakit perut bisa lapar...
So I was almost certain this is not food related. Haha ...

4pm, Doctor appointment ...
She's so busy today ... I had to wait a looonggg time in the exam room.
I usually just sat on the exam table but my lower tummy hurts, so I laid down.
The doctor took so long that I fell asleep!
Which was actually good because it didn't hurt anymore.
I guess I have to lay down then ....

When she came in, she checked everything is normal.
My cervix is still closed, meaning no dilation at all.
So she confirms that it's Braxton Hicks (read : practice contraction)
.... ada ada aja lah kontraksi ajah pake latian!!@#@%
She said if it becomes more often I have to call her.
But so far, I'm on the right track.
I should be worried if I had this before week 37.

whadaya know ... today i'm exactly 37 weeks.


  1. Wow... baru tau ada practice2 sgala... hehehehe... this is why u have a blog :P To share info... wehehehe.....

  2. i knoeee ... hwehwehwh hari ini ok seh.
    cuma suka kenceng aja perut gua. kata Hendra, Bruce is flexing his muscles ... hahaha
