Wednesday, October 14, 2009

No Salmon

I received a message from my good friend, Rina. She read my blog and warned me that I should avoid Salmon during pregnancy. I was totally surprised! I thought Salmon is like the healthiest fish out there! haha ..

Here's what I got from :
Although it's low in mercury (and high in brain-boosting omega-3s), some research has found that, compared to wild salmon, farmed salmon has high levels of PCBs, dioxins, and other contaminants. And since there's no reliable way to tell for sure where the salmon at your local supermarket comes from, you'll probably want to take it off your prenatal menu for now.
Ow dear....
I know I'm not allowed to eat raw fish. (or anything raw except fruit n veggies)
But Salmon?? Grilled Salmon? No? huwaaa ...

but here's the good news :
If you enjoy seafood and tend to eat a lot of it, you can do so without much worry by choosing varieties that are relatively pollutant-free: Shrimp, scallops, flounder, sole, clams, tilapia, oyster, catfish, whitefish, sardines, crayfish, king crab, and croaker.
Horeeeee ... masi bole makan udang, skelop, and clams!! *jump jump


  1. Tu kan lumayan buat blog... hwahaha we all learn something! :)

  2. all the effort of preventing you from eating shellfish in olive garden was futile? ehuaehuahea

  3. haha ... yes Nic, I cudve had clams!!!

    Sen, nonton Alton Brown.

    Teph, yap yap. thanks ^.^
