Tuesday, October 13, 2009

No Coffee

Yes. You heard me. I cant drink coffee anymore. Not because I'm not allowed due to this pregnancy. I just CANNOT! My body rejects it!
Pingin aja ndak. Maybe because I'm nauseous all the time.

Yesterday at church, I was so sleepy but I had to play the keyboard so I thought I just made my favorite instant coffee, Kopi Pas.
One sip ... omigosh... my tummy hurts, my head hurts, my body aches, its so weird!! It was the most uncomfortable feeling I've ever had after drinking coffee. huwaaaaa...

On a happy note, Tante Titin made Lontong Sayur and Pepes Ikan. I had them for dinner last night, uuuuu soo goooooddd... I ate so much Lontong I think my tummy moved forward a little bit. hahaha ... thanks Tante Titin!!


  1. I just came back from Starbucks looh.. U want u want? :)

  2. YOU NO COFFEE?!?!?! O__________O

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lho mana comment Winsen? ko di remove? sengak ya? hahaha.. good lah Ket.. irit starbucks, ditabung buat bales dendam abis brus keluar!

  5. Haha ... iya Sen. knapa diapus. tulis lagi donk. biar bisa dicela2. hahahaha ...

    thanks Mon. nanti abis Bruce lahir kita pesta di starbax yok. wakakak
