Here s/he is! Today is my 12th week, so I had an ultrasound appointment. This is the first time I see the baby. Felt weird. Happy weird =) Finally I'm sure he or she is really there. Haha ...
at the first ultrasound they couldn't find the baby's heartbeat. At the second time I couldn't really see it. So I was kinda 50-50 about the existence this baby.
Suddenly today the baby is already 10cm long! I saw it moving, swimming, and kicking. I cud've sworn there was one time the baby looked at the camera and smile. Hahaha ... My baby indeed!
On my 20th week, we'll come back to this place again to find out the gender of the baby. Uuuuuu I cant wait! Is it Bruce, or Bruchetta? haha ...
YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D SO CUTE! :D :D :D
ReplyDelete..........I find the ultrasound picture scary...sorry cath o_o
ReplyDeleteWow, it's so clear, all the parts of the baby :)
ReplyDeleteI pray for Bruce :)
Wow you got 3 ultrasound already! My first one was at 20 weeks when we found out it was a boy!! You are so lucky =) John Muir is a great hospital by the way!
ReplyDeleteHahaha ... Steph and Nico beda banget commentnya. Nic, I shudve taken a video yah, gk scary sm skali kok. hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteKoti, thank you! Good to see your comment here! Hehehe ... Sayang fotonya gk kliatan kaki, padahal waktu disana tendang2 terus ... i guess thats why jadi gk kepoto.
Sienny, my first two were in a different lab, I guess its because I didn't know how far the pregnancy was, and I had a spotting n cramping problem so they ordered it early. But aLL is good now. Cant wait till Dec 16!!! Thanks Sienny ^.^
kok perut babynya buncit ket? :o
ReplyDeleteKbanyakan dikasi makan tahu kale. Hahaha
ReplyDelete......it's funny how the guy who commented after me was my father! Hello dad!
ReplyDeleteThat's our baby :)
ReplyDelete-Papa Bruce-
omg i can seee the babyyyyy! helloooo ch baby!! :) hendra ama cath sih bener2 jayuss poll, i'll be surprise if the baby didn't have this in him/her hahahhaha
ReplyDeleteHahaha ... hello Soph! Thanks for readin our blog ^.^ adueh gk kbayang de ntar kl babynya jayus. Sapa tau malah gak loh! u never kno. haha ...