Just came back from OB Visit today!
She said everything looks good. All my test results shows that I'm normal, healthy, and the baby is also healthy. Yay!! (cant believe after what i'm feeling for the last 3 months, we are both still healthy). Hendra and I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time today. It's 160! Baby super healthy! haha...
She also said the back pain is normal, usually it comes in the beginning of pregnancy, then goes away, then come back near the end. haiz...
She suggested YOGA. walah ... im probably the least flexible woman in the world! cium lutut aja kagak bisaa...
...and the stomach pain I had few weeks ago, was heartburn -_-" (wats this in Indonesian, sakit maag?)
I've never had anything like that before, so now I need to buy Tums.
I had my Flu shot & H1N1 too ... so both my upper arm were shot. heheh ...
I've never had a flu shot before. This is the first time because I'm very worried if I get sick, there's no good medicine I'm allowed to take!! And usually when I get even the slightest cold, it lingers for a long time. So let's hope this flu shot (and a lot of prayers!) will prevent me from it.
Ammeeennn... :)
ReplyDeletewuih enaknya dah dpt h1n1 shot! :( disini ga ada nehhh shortage! :( booooo..
ReplyDeleteheart burn tuh apa yah. bukan mag.. kaya panas dalem.. wah nda tau deh..