Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

The whole Thanksgiving weekend I was busy ... EATING! Hahaha ... Gosh there was sooo much food!
On Thursday we had a family Thanksgiving gathering at Uncle Tom's house. Foo
d was overflowing! There were Turkey, stuffings, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, veggies, mie goreng, lumpia basah, roulades, sup kembang tahu, kolak, kue talam, kue2 uncle Tom, and bunch of fruits. Hm. I dont think thats all. but yeah. There was a LOT of good food!! I ate so much that night, I think I gained a couple pounds. Hahah ...

On Saturday, Indonaz Thanksgiving Dinner in San Ramon! Also lots of food. We started with chips+dips, and grapes. Then the big dinner: Turkey, stuffings, mashed potato, fried chicken, french fries, galantin, sup makaroni+ayam+ham, veggies and sambel terasi super enak. Bweheheh ... Mantaph.

After Joint Service on Sunday, there's pot luck. Nyam nyam I was so hungry I took a plate full of food (especially Korean Food. haha. They're so good). Plus bread and butter. HABIS loh!! I think I ate as much as Hendra did. hahaha ... crazy.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


  1. Kesannya gak mau rugi gitu, mentang2 1st trimester having trouble eating anything, now you went nuts :P Simply nuts, hahaha...

  2. yap. I know. I think we need to get a good timbangan... so i dont go simply nuts!

  3. objection!...hari minggu lu ga selesaiin tuh ayam!!!
    dibawa pulang!!! hahaha

  4. Heittsss... itu ayamnya Hendra. dia nitip di piringku tapi dia gk makan. Bahahaha...
