Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fatty McButterpants

Yep. That's what I called myself, Fatty McButterpants (from King of Queens) wehehe ... look at how big my tummy already is!!
I'm only 15 weeks loh! ... I don't know how much I gained already. Pasti banyakk! My sister said I no longer 'walk' now, I wobble. Hahaha...

All my clothes are (like in this pic) already too tight. This shirt used to be loose. My other shirts are either too tight or too short. I need to go shopping .... >.<


  1. noo you're not fat!! it's a cute baby bump!! :) next appt is the gender ultrasound!! YAY!!!!

  2. OMG....ya ampoen trin..sdh blendung gitu......haaaaa lu mesti jaga jangan kecepetan naiknya timbangannya!!! ntar lu yg repot kalo kebesaran!!!!heeeee lucu bener sekarang bodylu berobah !!!!.iyah tuh next appt kita bisa tau ..anaklu apa yah??!!!ngak SABAR!!!

  3. Actually I say u waddle, not wobble :P hahaha...

  4. Ooo yeaa... Waddle makes more sense. Hahahah. Wobble mah kagak jalan donk!! Haahahahahahah

    Tuh kan Des, mak gue Aja blg gede bgtttt. Lo 17 minggu masi kagak kliatann. Hwrheheh

    gender ultrasound is next month. Dec 16. Can't waittt!!!

  5. Wow..Cath..mami really surprise lihat foto kamu..bbrpa hr yg lalu,sptnya belum gede ya..syukurlah,Cath sdh kelihatan sehat..n you are beautiful with pregnancy..jaga kesehatan trs ya Cath..c..u..soon..,love both of you...

  6. Thanks for the comment, Mami Liz =D Iya neh tau2 udah mlembung gini baju2 jadi pada sempitttt... kayanya makan kebanyakan nieh lately. hahaha ...
