Afterwards I checked online. There's nothing about Durian in babycenter (Except in forum2 gk jelas. males ah) There are some articles that said it's ok to eat Durian while pregnant. Some say not. I know that Durian makes you panas dalem (what's this in English? Hot deep?Hahah). So I drank lots of water afterwards.
... and my good friend Peggy told me, when she was pregnant with her second child. Her craving was DURIAN! She bought a whole cart of Durian and eat lots of it everyday!! Hahahah ... now her second child is cute and healthy!!
I guess like my sis & mom say, everything in moderation =P
Duh Durian tu memang enak yooooo
....... *speechless* (anti duren)
ReplyDeletehaaaa baru tau kalo durian itu euenakkkkk..heeee blom makan durian butter lagi di singapur..wadohhhh itu baru asli goooddd!!!haaaa it's ok. kalo baru incip2 durian saja pada waktu hamil......tapi frosen punya gitu apa enak?????
ReplyDeleteha..ha.ha.ha... dasar....
ReplyDeletebut it's true cath.... durian is YUMMY...
en I am now in Kalimantan, the durian here is different lho... not like durian bangkok or durian medan... the taste is different but as for me ALL DURIANS are delicious he.he..
and yes tante.. frozen is not good... you gotta buy fresh durian.. baru berasa =)
Bwehehehehe dasar lo Peg. Dsini mana Ada org tanem durenn!! Actually durennya masih utuh ma kulit2nya d frozen. Bukan uda dbuka. Jadi rasanya masi ok kok. Si Petra Aja blg ok. Enakkk
ReplyDeletetp pnasaran seh pengen tau butter durian. Sounds very guudd. Maybe next year. Hihi.
he..he.. ga ngeh kalau disana ga ada yang tanem duren *twink
ReplyDeleteanyway makanya visit indo balik lah ha.ha..
wakakakak ... please pray for a super healthy baby supaya bisa dibawa kesana as young as possible!! Bwahahah ...
ReplyDeletehmmm sapa tau duren bikin baby super healthy. =P