Everything looks good.
The baby is healthy and I am ok too =D
I currently weigh 124 lbs.
so... I gained about 15lbs in 2 months!
(ampir 7 kg, bok!)
Weleh weleh.... gotta lay off the burritos.
Next meeting will be on Dec 18
Two days after we found out the gender of ch-baby
Oooooh cant wait!!

Turns out i shoud've registered in week 14. oops.
hehehe ... but its ok. I'm registered, kok.
So I will be delivering the baby in :
John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, CA
I've never been there.
So we're going to take a tour next month to get familiar with the place.
Kyaaaaa deg2an juga.
WHooo..O_o yes lay off the burritos. Go get chicken soft taco (Lho apa bedanya) hahaha...
ReplyDeleteKyaa... Deg2x-an juga... Hehehe.. :P
ReplyDeleteHAHAAHHAH wuah ha ha ha ha 124 lbs??!! kayanya cowo dah kalo gitu dah.. huahauhauahua g aja masih di 114-an kali.. kog bisa sehhh lu kan kerempeng gitu cath!! :D hahahahaha
ReplyDeleteSo excited!! can't wait.. :D
Iyah gua udah menggenduttttt ... kalo jalan uda kaya bola melambung ke kanan ke kiri ... hahaha bagimana toh.
ReplyDeleteI've been to that hospital o_o dulu keseleo ga sembuh2. oh, dan kata temen kantor gw, ga bole minum kopi, ntar deg2an juga bayi nya XD
ReplyDeletebweheheh thanks Nic. I hope kakilu udah ok skrg. heheh ...
ReplyDeletegood then. Bruce gk suka kopi. kl gua minum kopi dia protes langsung bikin gua sakit kepala, sakit perut, sakit semuanya. bah.