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Uwooww suddenly udah kepala tigaaaa ... week thirty!Bruce is coming in 10 weeks ... !! or less... O.OAccording to babycenter weekly update, Bruce is about 15.7 inches long and weighs almost 3lbs. I'm pretty sure he's more than that. I already gained 28 lbs. Masak dia cuma 3 ??His eyesight continues to develop, he will respond to changes in light. I was told that at this stage we can try flashing the flashlight to my belly and see if he responds. hehe ... I haven't tried. He moves a lot so I don't need a flashlight to make him move. As for me : - feeling tired these days - Yes.- having trouble sleeping - Yes. Sometimes.- clumsier than normal - Yoii bangett. - have bigger feet so need to buy bigger shoes - he? I'm already size nine! so far masi pake sandal lama masih ok seh ... so I hope not!!- have mood swings - mmmm not really sih. Although a couple days ago, I was chatting with Steph and she told me a funny story. I laughed so hard, I cried! It was the weirdest thing. I was laughing out loud but a lot of tears streaming down my face. I had to grab lots of tissues. Hard to explain. I was laughing and crying at the same time. Hendra was so confused. hahaha ...
Thats all for week 30.
I will see the doctor this Monday.
Now I have to see her every two weeks.
Will update again then =D
Have a good weekend, everyone !!
I know I've been procrastinating about baby registry and nursery and all that. I just don't know where to start! Thanks to Sienny and Destri, I finally started the baby registry in Babies R Us. Boy, what an overwhelming experience. Usually when I need something then I go to the store and buy it. If its an expensive thing, research on it online then buy. (Or when I see something on sale. hahaha) But what do I know about what Bruce will need??I went to Babies R Us in Dublin, CA. Whewwww ... what a big storeee and they have lots and lots of stuff... I didn't know babies need that much stuff ... hahaha... It took me more than half an hour to scan the first item. I was so confused. Its like shopping for someone else, but I have no clue about the items. Weird. Anyway we got a stroller and carseat last week. Yippie!! It's a pretty good one too ... ! Here's some pictures of Hendra setting up the stroller. We love it!! This is officially Bruce's first items. Haha...
I forgot to mention in the last blog, I passed the Glucose Test!! woohooo ... I was worried because I eat sweets a lotttt. Lately I've been eating lots of donuts (doughnuts?). I put some on my nightstand because when I wake up I really want to eat donut! hahaha ... seriously, so weird.
I was supposed to take the test sometimes after the last dr. visit (Jan19). She told me I have to fast in the morning before taking the test. I took the test on Feb 8! Haha ... habis tiap pagi makan donat terus!! Gmana mau puasa... ??
Finally on Feb 8 I was out of donuts. Bwahahaha ...
so i went to the lab.
They gave me this small bottle of orange liquid.
It was cold, like soft drink. But when I drank it, blehhh its too sweet. Made me dizzy.... then I had to wait an hour there before they draw my blood. I fell asleep a couple of times because of that drink. Dizzzzzyyyy....
2 days later I got the result that I passed. Horeeey.... more donuts!!!

Anyway, I had my 6 month check up today!
(cepet yo udah 6 mth??)
Everything is good, my glucose 'score' was 125 (passing is under 140)
I weigh 138lbs now!! But Dr said it's normal, not big (really??)
Bruce's heartbeat is 140. Normal.
She asked me if I already had some contraction.
Me : "huh? I don't think so. Now? Already?"
She laughed and said it's normal to have contraction once a day in the third trimester, it'll feel like a really bad period cramps.
Ow dear....
Wow suddenly no blog for almost two weeks.I guess I enjoyed 2nd trimester too much and today I'm officially in 3rd Trimester!!Jeng Jengggg....Last night I woke up at 3am and couldn't sleep until 6am!!!I have no idea why.Definitely not coffee/caffeine/sugar.I wasn't hungry nor thirsty.My back didn't hurt.I just couldn't find a comfy position to sleep ... so weirdd!!I usually doze off so easily, just give me a pillow and a blanket, I'm off to dream land.Not last nite =(I tried watching TV, reading emails (even sorted Hendra's email), play wit my hp, etc2.Maseh gk bisa tidur!!!
so around 5am I got up, went downstair, ate breakfast burrito,
& drank a glass of milk.then zzzzzzzzzzzzz..........pagi2 saket perut @#$%^&!!
Is this a sign of 3rd trimester beginning??