My tum

Everywhere I go, people will notice that I'm a preggie.
Some strangers have asked "How far along are you?"
gk pake tanya2 lagi "are you pregnant?"
My sis said I look like carrying a basketball everywhere. haha
I still waddle left and right.
I think I eat normal now. Not too much, not too little.
Sometimes when I eat too fast, my tummy gets so tight I couldn't lay down.
Or when I lay down, I can't get up. ==
Back still hurts sometimes.
I notice my skin is a little reddish.
In some areas (like tummy, palms, legs) they look like a rash.
Not itchy tho. Nor dry.
Just red.
Babycenter said it's because of extra estrogen (huh?)
but normal =D
Jadi kemerah-merahan. hihi
Reddish: The baby is hot? :P hwewhehwhewe....
ReplyDeleteyay congrats uda 19 week :D when's the ultrasound again? btw, per my office friends whose, most of them, just had a baby or is having a baby, if someone look at you from the back and can't tell if you're pregnant, than it's a boy :D
ReplyDeletepasarbaru, masa seh. hmm. According to some ppl, other than my big tummy, I dont look preggie. Tapi gk ada yg mention2 how I look like from behind. haha. .. maybe I'll ask around.
ReplyDeleteUSG is next week !!! wuiiiiii
cakeplay, yeap. Ma baby is hot!! of course! haha